martes, 12 de abril de 2016

Felipe Martinez
Alejandro Jose Romero N

                                                           Golden rain. 

The last weekend in some departaments of Colombia, fall of an (a) miraculous rain, all the colombian people have listened about the "El Niño phenomenon" ("El niño" phenomenon) this phenomenon  causes an excessive increase of the  temperature in tropical countries. 

Colombia is located over the Ecuatorial line, that makes high temperatures, this imply problems as drought, forest fires (wildfires), shortage (decrease) of food, low level in the production of energy (the majority of the production of energy in Colombia depends of the hydro-electrics power plants) 
For this situation the Government has launched (opened) campaigns as (like) "the of/turn off pay" ("turn off/pay less) in response to the need of saving in the country.

In January, February and March of this year, there  was not rain (raining) in Colombia, The IDEAM forecasted that "El Niño phenomenon"  ("El niño" phenomenon) in April will increase (will increase in April), but the first week of April,  it has not stopped of (didn't stopped) raining. This rain caused great emotion in the farmers, ranchers,  peasants, etc, for example in a little town in Santander it has not rained since (for) 3 years, for this (that's why) our article is call (called) "Golden rain".

In conclusion, it is important to save water, because water is a right but it is also our duty to take care of it.

1 comentario:

  1. Your text was really good, you used in a correct way most of the articles and words. Your text has coherence and it's well structured. Just pay attention to some verbs and how it is conjugated.
