martes, 10 de mayo de 2016


In Bogota, we have a lot of things like politic, the law, the government, and other things, one of that as the culture, the culture was the principal cualities of the society, not only the cualities, also the history of a lot events, they mark the society and the persons, and the culture help us to get a better way of life, we need a culture to desarrollate our city and society, in this thing, we have problems, because we don't think in the others just on ourself, this aspect has the city on a big problem, because we need the culture to live with the others and stay in peace.
the culture has some elements like the tolerance, the sense of  belonging, and the most important are the respect, this elements are very importants, not only for the culture, for us, for the citizens we live in the city. we love this city, but, others persons don't, because they hurt the city with their actions, the thieves the vandalism are everywhere, and they doesn't help the city in nothing, not only they hurt the city, the persons who don't respect the other persons, don't respect the law, the law are corrupt the police was in problems because the people don't trust on they, the people, some of they make graffitis in everywhere, in any place, they don't respect the public space and the private space, they make his own law.
all of these problems we can fix it, if we has sense of belonging, if we have more respect for the people and ourself, if the people who has the politic power wasn't corrupt, this things are very importants to fix or make our culture, we need a culture, the citizens can identificate with it, we can make the city a better place for us.


Angie Daniela Mora Macias 
Alejandra Montaña Montaña 

The   tecnology is a tool that transforms our environment, making it easier to communicate and carry out our daily activities, wish has generates new  strategies and updates.

In the contemporany world technology evolves rapidly, this creating more opportunities, but in turn more competitions in the various fields of knowledge.

We see that the technology generates us addiction and alienates us from our loved ones, friends, colleagues and others, and although it is a tool that allows us to approach more easily to new knowledge but in turn generates  a lot of waste of time, through networks social as Facebook, Intagram, twitter, Snapchat, and other networks known to all  of us. 

Technology to share knowledge that allow people to interact with their environment either to modify it, understand it, learn it, let us understand that does not have a single purpose. In history there  have been many types of multi puspose technologies from home, production processes, infomation, medical.

The technology is desinges to solve the social problems of a given population,where what matters is the organization of the community around problems using technology as the main tool for their solution.


                                   THE PROBLEM OF THE AMBULANCES IN BOGOTÁ

This problem has been reported by the Secretary the Health the Bogotá from the 2008 but importance has not been placed. The contract is  being suspended an irregular way. The ambulances is low quiality, in adittion the ambulances news is parked in garages, the persons call the emergency thelephone (123) and the ambulance he delays more than tree hours for the on EMERGENCY, this problem is wath the service borrowed is down. This problem has been the government of Lucho Grazon, in the moment the ambulances they are without equipements healthy. The pobation need the service of ambulance and the answer the mayor Peñalosa is "This happens in any side..." this answer is down for the mayor studied in Paris his supposed doctorate of citizenship.

This video is the problem of the ambulance in Bogota:

Peace : Whether Or Not

From September 2012 started the dialogue to end te conflict with the FARC ( Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia ).
FARC: Is a group revolucionary ,start operations in 1964 , in the hills of of the departamente of Tolima
its initial mission was to revolutionize the structure of the state ,although with the passage of time this to changed and now this organization get money , with activities :extortion , kidnapping and drug trafficking.

Colombia has been in war since 1964.
This war has changed several aspects of the lives of 
colombians,especially rural areas .
this conflict to left more than five million of victims and multi-million dollar damages to the country

Why Yes // Why Not

 YES: We should vote Yes , because we have to think of future generations , we must build a country more competitive with the rest of the world , and must vote Yes for that no can keep letting us kill between colombians

 NO:Not it should vote for the peace process ,since this process is done without the consent of the colombians and also by the political persecution that is generating within the  country.


REFERENDUM :"Procedimiento jurídico por el que se somete a votación popular una ley o un asunto de especial importancia para el Estado".
IN ENGLISH "Legal procedure which is subject to popular vote a law or a matter of special importance to the State "

PLEBICITE:"Procedimiento jurídico por el que se somete a votación popular una ley o un asunto de especial importancia para el Estado."

IN ENGLISH : "legal procedure which is subject to popular vote a law or a matter of special importance to the State "

Biblografia : taken google home page , plebiscite and referendum


The Insegurity  In America 

The problems of insegurity in America:

The impunity. In most of the countries of Latin America, most crimes go unpunished and numerous crimes and murders never judged. In Venezuela, for example, 97% of crimes remain unsolved and without those responsible brought to justice. In Colombia somewhat the same thing happens: a recent survey indicated that only a quarter of the offenses (780,000) is reported and that would give the total figure could reach 3 million people affected by them. Of the nearly two million Colombians who have suffered some form of theft, only 498,000 have filed a complaint with the authorities.

Inexistencia a quality public education. Except for some cases, such as Argentina, Chile, Costa Rica and Uruguay, current education systems in Latin America are very poor, poorly equipped in means and personnel and are not usually neither free nor universal. In the PISA report, the Organization for Cooperation and Development (OECD), countries in Latin America, but especially Colombia and Peru, are at the bottom and others, like those of Central America, Bolivia, Ecuador and Venezuela, or even they appear. Brazil, for example, almost every year is between 25% of the last of a total of 65 countries measured and studied. Without education, no school, no training or values.
Daniel Kassner
David Rodriguez

Public transport in Bogota Andres Wilches Miguel Arboleda 1101

Public Transport

Bogota has 1000000 vehicles, an every day, at least 400000 vehicles circulates in the city, even with that quantity of vehicles, the city collapse.

But with that numbers, the government has created different ways to transport the people, one of them is the transmilenio and the SITP.
Nowadays the people that don't have car, and even when they have car, uses those ways to go to different points in the city.

Also the traffic in Bogota is very dangerous, a lot of people dye in the year. The people in Bogota is very unwise and is very aggressive, and most of those accidents are occasioned to motorbikes (most of  them caused by alcoholism). According to "" 45 persons dye at month in Bogota.

The use of transmilenio, SITP, and the commonly bus and taxi, is massive, the persons always have to stay waiting a lot of time because the buses arrives full of people, 
The government has to create more ways to transport in Bogota.. the public transport its awful..

instituto pedagógico nacional
Andres felipe sandoval
juan felipe vargas

The poverty

This problem is very common in many parts of the world, even in developed countries as it is united states, China, Germany and others, this problem usually occurs by the inequity of government to the people, and also because many people do not have the money to start their studies or university degree, in Colombia this problem has been tried to solve by many governments but has not yet been able to realize. Some governments like Peñalosa tried to go against social cleansing, because they thought it was too cruel, so the way to break the poverty is education which is another problem which will be discussed later.
Poverty by Karl Marx 

Marx said "The working class has nothing to lose but their chains; has, on the contrary, a world to win"
The Poverty is a disease to be cured, must be treated with the right drugs and not fooled by fake medicines, you must be respected the right to a home, education and even the right to life. Children are suffering the most. Help us to end poverty.

Labor day in IPN

Labor day is when people celebrate the day by day of being busy at the job with a free day.

We, as students of the IPN, celebrate this day on the first day of May. Every year, all students bring food to school and the students from Social Emphasis take over the recolection and organization of a kind of gifts to the employees from the school.

We make an assembly with the students, teachers, and obviously the workers. Then someone reads a short text that say how much we appreciate their work, and how thankful we are
for all the days that they clean the classrooms, and* bathrooms, and* the buffet, and all the installations in general; and* for when they take care of us, and when they fix things tha (that) we broke. Also we make a short interpretation of one of the workers that is employed since 1987 and who also love the school. (It lefts over using so much the conjuction "and")

Also, we forget to mention that at the morning every grade makes a breakfast for one or two workers, and the students share this space with them, making them feel good with all that love.
Elisa Triviño
Diego Pardo

Colmenares` Case

 Colmenares' Case 

 Mateo Ramirez Becerra
Carlos Martinez Benitez

The case Colmenares is one of the important cases in Bogota should this case never resolve.

It is a possible crime not solved, which refers to the mysterious death of a young student of (from) the program of industrial engineering at the University of The Andes the Andes University) in the city of Bogota. 5 years of (since) the death of Colmenares, the case has not been resolved, nor the perpetrators sentenced (sentence). However the investigation is still in the (not necessary) process.

Due to errors, omissions and alterations in the first process of research into the causes of the death of Colmenares, The authorities have not been able to obtain or find a guilty against the brutal death of Colmenares.

There have been several testimonies and several witnesses in front of this case but none agreed with forensic medicine who (which) is who gave the act of death, this leads to where there is no person that does justice to deal with these cases.

Unfit for all people (non suitable for all audiences)...

Sandrine Molina
Cesar Pineda
The black friday is a pretty good day, because all the stuff have a very good sale and  all the people wants to have what they always want for a really good price. This event is specially done in USA and
the bigs companys (companies) put (bring out) lots of publicity about it, some of this advertisements are like this 

But not everithing (everything) is perfect and in this days there're lots* of fights, lots* of people steal lots* (there are some other quantifiers than "lots") of stuff, the people get mental, people make so much noise, everything it's just a mess, nobody respect nothing and no one, and no (not) even the rules of this places. And the lines to get into the supermarkets, malls or whatever place this event realize (is realized) are very very larges (large) it takes easy 5 hors (?) to get in, and because of that people makes (make) camps in the entrance of this places to be the first person to have what they want really bad, but they in a normal day do not have enogh (enough) money to buy that.

History of Black Friday: this started in the 20s, more exactly in the Christmas season and near to the date of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in 1924 and that happened because of the big demand of products like toys, appliances, clothes etc..
It becane popular in the 60s when the people look for a place to do the last minute Christmas choppings.In the actuallity the malls starts at the 5am and finished when there are no more products to sell .