martes, 10 de mayo de 2016


Angie Daniela Mora Macias 
Alejandra Montaña Montaña 

The   tecnology is a tool that transforms our environment, making it easier to communicate and carry out our daily activities, wish has generates new  strategies and updates.

In the contemporany world technology evolves rapidly, this creating more opportunities, but in turn more competitions in the various fields of knowledge.

We see that the technology generates us addiction and alienates us from our loved ones, friends, colleagues and others, and although it is a tool that allows us to approach more easily to new knowledge but in turn generates  a lot of waste of time, through networks social as Facebook, Intagram, twitter, Snapchat, and other networks known to all  of us. 

Technology to share knowledge that allow people to interact with their environment either to modify it, understand it, learn it, let us understand that does not have a single purpose. In history there  have been many types of multi puspose technologies from home, production processes, infomation, medical.

The technology is desinges to solve the social problems of a given population,where what matters is the organization of the community around problems using technology as the main tool for their solution.

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Girls!
    You did a great job in your text, but you have many mistakes that I have to say to you. First is that your text was so short! and it doesn't have arguments to support your thesis! Don't worry, it could be fixed. The second thing girls is that you use vocabulary that is so specific and It`s difficult to think that you know the meaning of this words. Don`t use translator, specially Google translator. Try to create a text in English using your knowledge and if you don`t know a word search it in the dictionary. Remember that it`s for your learning.
    Keep doing a great jog girls! I know that you are going to do a better text the next time.

