martes, 20 de septiembre de 2016


The plebiscite is a mechanisms of participation that give the Constitution so that the Colombians participating in politics decitions that are affect.
Only the president of the republic , with the signature the minigters bring together all the country in order to participe in the dicitions  executive In this case, it is the tool on which it decided to bet the National Government, and that later supported the Farc, in order that the Colombians legitimize the agreement that is achieved in the table of negotiation, to put endmpurpose to more than half a century of conflict.
The objetive is to consult the Colombians if they are or not in agreement with the peace agreements that have been agreed by The FARC

 I think that the Colombians should vote for  YES because the country neef to progress, the peace is something that all the contries needs for be a better place, also all the generations will be gratefull, because it's a war that begins since too much time ago.
Maby the agreemends doesnt are the best but it's something that the country needs!
ana Rodriguezz
Sofia Rodriguez 1101

intituto pedagogico nacional
juan felipe vargas torrea
andres sandoval

The transport system more important is the SITP, these buses in this last years the system has been criticize for the citizen and tourist of other countries cause the service all so bad.
In Bogotá the transport system has been innumerable grouse due to the service and the condition aren’t the best.

One of the mayor problems is that the public transport (buses) are second hand, therefor usually the buses broke down and the buses don’t lend the service require for the citizen.

Also they were presented complaint for the insecurity  there is in the station, but the government do there are trying of get better that because because many users you are taking other means of transport, the government has put a lot of policeman in the streetsand also
improving roads by passing buses.

Some drivers do not respect citizens. Drivers do not stop at the respective stations and occasionally do not respect the signs, drive like a wild and do not wait until people get off the bus stops.

Carlos Martinez 

mateo ramirez


Adriano, the fallen Emperor

Adriano, The emperor Caído. the Adriano full of luxuries, comforts and money is not him anymore, absolutely at all.  The Brazilian football player  was 34 years old and is going through a difficult moment, ' The Emperor ' went from wining eigthy thousand Euros a week to the oblivion and to the total decadence. He was considered one of the best Brazilian forwards in the first decade of the 21st century and one of the best players of the world by the Internazionale of Milan and the Selection of Brazil. Now, he is recognized for live in a favela of Brazil linked to scandals of drug, organized crime and drug trafficking. 

In we opinion the Adriano case is one of millions, because people that not have nothing at any moment is full of money and luxuries, and proper of they born places that are full of poverty, necessities, hungry and organize crime this combiend with the provrety factors genered one chaos in they acts, form of act and proper scarcity of education no know that do with the money, buy all inutil things contain drugs, sex etc...and long-term produce one decadence in all habits deports, personal and labour.

the reflexion is not down to the drugs...
Astrid Yurany Dìaz Vargas
Cristhian Camilo Rodriguez Martinez


The paralympics games realized in Rio 2016 sice the  september 7th  until  september 18th  after the realize the olimpic games. This paralympics games the contain the sports with as: 
  • Archery     
  • Athletics
  • Boccia
  • Paracanoe
  • Cycling
  • Road
  • Equestian
  • Football 5-a-side    
  • Football 7-a-side
  • Goalball
  • Judo
  • Paratriathlon
  • Powerlifting
  • Sailing
  • Shoothing
  • Swimming
  • Table tennis
  • Volleyball
  • Wheelchair basketball
  • wheelchair fencing
  • Weelchair rugby
  • Weelchair tennis
The paralympics games he delivered more than 400 medals where contained medals the gold,silver and bronze medal. Where remaind the first the country the Chine with 239 medals, the second post country it was Great Bretain with 147 medals; and the third post it was the country of Ukraine with 117 medals.

The Paralympic games to me to seem are opportunity that there have those persons who have some physical disability, to be outlined in the sport that each one practices and like that him to demostrate to the persons say that one cannot. Also the paralympics games offer the posibility of look other perspective the sports.

Colombia obtained 14 medals: two of gold, five of silver and teen bronze in the paralympics Games. Colombia won the 37 position, leaving the better participation in this games in the history.

Carlos Serrano ( colombian athlete)  it was the first winner the medal of golden for swimming in 100 meters where obtained also wordl record with a time the 1:12.50 second  


Felipe Martinez Guarin
Alejandro Jose Romero Nieto

Layout of the metro in bogota.

Bogota has much problems about the public transport , as we already know bogota has "transmilenio"
which is a system of bus that needs fuel for function, this system can not meet the needs of the city.
the population of bogota is  8 millions. The areas with more population than others are: Kennedy, Suba and Ciudad Bolivar .
The massive transit system has shortcomings when transporting the people in these localities , since it has too many people and the system has no abilitu to transport them .

The people think that the solution for this problem is the construction of the  metro in bogota, 
This metro has been a very controvertial  topic since too many are years without  construction , many mayors were elected exclusively for that construction of metro, but notfulfilled , this metro to had too many proposals such as the construction of this underground on air .

 Enrique Peñalosa which is the mayor of bogota raise the construction of the metro raisinf , which will cos 13 billion of pesos , the president of the republic already destination them resources for the construction and the project will mean a great change urban for the city , the project is almost a made.
This metro will begin in Kennedy and will has 15 stations. 
Nicolas Gualdron - Emilio Fernandez - 1101          
In Bogota, in the last years, everybody talk about the metro, always the Majors make a lot of promises, one of them is to make the Metro, this thing is very dificult, because this generate descusions, this year Enrique Peñalosa is the Bogota major, and he say about the metro "i will build it, on my period the metro is going to bt real".

The metro will connect the diferents zones of Bogota, the south with the north and the east and west, is going to be really great, and it will be a solution to the problem of the traffic in Bogota, the metro need a great inversion like the ampliation of the Panama canal

Resultado de imagen para metro bogota

The metro tickets will not have a elevated cost, but not they want the metro doesnt affect the Transmilenio cost and trhat service economy, the people are excited but some of them don't believe about the construction of the Metro, they think this thing doesnt exist.

Peñalosa explain the way of the Metro will be on the street, that will be elevated, and in the stations are located some apartamennts and shops and this will be great because this is for the popple, the people who need a better transport service, the people who make sacrfices for their familys.

Resultado de imagen para metro bogota
Angie Daniela Mora Macias 
Alejandra Montaña 


"Anyone who does not  smoke is suspect. I do not hear, I do not see, I do not speak, that was the law of silence that prevailed in the Bronx, It was written ont the walls, also in the old Cartridge and even in San Victorino, With the complicity of all citizens. So it has been like that since decades. 

With the construction of roads and Columbus Avenue (13th Street) and the emergence of more industries. San Victorino became a funnel where the "piperos" came together, smuggling, and they began to form the first cambuches to process alcohol, traffic gold and weapons. 

There came and from there was distributed. Who does not remember the cry: Bottle paper? All that was collected was brought to the district San Victorino, where the glass he recycled and was used to bottle adulterated liquor. Especially whiskey, whose import it was regulated by high taxes. It was done in the cartridge, and bus parking smuggling center at a time. 

The opinion about the is that luckily the Bronx has been closed, with all the problems in this place. With all this, also there is evidence that in the streets and quarters the number of thieves, homeless, drug dealers and addicts.


Andres Felipe Wilches Torres                                                        1101
Miguel Angel Arboleda Salamanca                                               


The homophobia exists since we have knowledgement, or since some religions (Ex: Cristianism) conquer most part of the world, in some of those cases the clerics, and most of the people that follow this belief, always had a racism (homophobia) to the gays, they believe that the gays are sinners, it is for them an abomination, because they think that god creates the man with the woman, and not the man with the man, and neither the woman with the woman, because the bible says that is an abomination that a man have sex with other man, and same with two girls.
But nowadays, the world has changed a lot, the last century some things changed, ex; the woman begins to take a paper in the world, too the childhood, most of the countries of Africa become independent, and since that period, the gays begin to make part of the society, as them are. Nowadays are like 14 countries that accept the gay marriage, and the most possible think is that all or most of the countries accept this.

In the article "(" that talk about the homophobia in Colombia, Gina Parodi (GP) and Cecilia (her wife) count about their life and how they tell this love history or her "get out of the closet" to her parents (and there were very religious), when she (GP) count this to her parents they take her to the church, the priest ask to her,"What to you have?", she said "I love a woman". The priest doenst say anithing. So because of this, the parents in the beginnig suport them, but with the time, the press find out of that situation, and begin to ask her in a committee, that if she was lesbian, she say the truth, and say that she doesn't never hide again, because she wanted to defend the gay rights, and say "when a society rejects a boy that is gay, he begin of a process of hatred, and scare, insecurity and reject, that ends in a suicide, the suicide rate is very high, and Colombia Lacks of tolerance".

this video is to show her different points of view.

In conclusion, the world evolutionates and the most possible thing is that, in a future, never will be homophoic.
Sandrine Molina - Cesar Pineda   1101

Street art in Bogota 

The liberty who exist in Bogota to make graffiti’s is so big, because in other countries the police make you a fine for make graffities in the city, more specific in a public space. One of the most big and important place of the city about the graffities is the downtown, because in that part of the city is where mostly of the tourist arrive, and is the place where most of the street artist go to decorate the city.
This kind of art have some restrictions with the stile and technique and we can evidence that with some of the most famous artist of Bogota like “Toxicomano” “Lesivo” “Stink Fish” “Bastardilla” “Ledania” and “DJLU”.

Christian Petersen who is an Australian guy that lives in Bogota have the propose to demonstrate the high quality that have the graffiti in Bogota and because of that he creates the “Bogota graffiti tour” and the event realize all the Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays and the places who Christian shows are: “El parque de los periodistas” “El chorro de Quevedo” “La plaza de la Concordia” and “La Candelaria”.
¿What is a graffiti?
A graffiti is a kind of art who express the feelings and unconformity about the problems of the city in what they live. The most significant reason to be called graffitis is because most of the draws are made on the street in some big walls and obviously the draws are very big. This kind of art are mostly realized with aerosol and sometimes wall paints.    

David Rodriguez Torres
Daniel Kassner 


The person who nickname is "el mudo" delinquent identified by the Metropolitan Police of Bogota, he is made spend for a deaf and dumb person to there be gained the confidence of his victims and, I enter of places, restaurants and cafeterias, to steal belongings. 
The bandit moves for the suroccidente of the capital. His modus operandi stayed in evidence in a video recorded by a chamber of vigilance of a cafeteria, in the Handsome neighborhood (Bridge Aranda), which shows how it enters to the place and issues signs and gestures to give to understand that he needs something. I seize of shift it payes attention and tries him to understand the requests, while the thief enters up to the counter, indicates different products and in a carelessness of the victim it takes a purse, which it covers with a folder that goes in the hands. 
 One sees clearly that the signs that the individual does are not clear not of the habitual language of the deaf and dumb people. We ask him to the citizenship to denounce the cases, since already we have identified to the subject ", reported the Police, which expects to meet on the capture of the fraud. After taking the booty, ' The Mute one ' it expresses that already it does not want to buy anything, and takes advantage of the arrival of more clients to go out of the place without leaving suspicions.

we think the man is a bad person, because abuse the confidence of the people and when the people try to help him, he take advantage of this.

link de la captura de alias "el mudo":

Resultado de imagen para alias el mudo Colombia
More than 1,400,000 people participated in admission test of the Universidad Nacional of Colombia

Last sunday september 18th thousands of people around the country presented a test during four hours. In this exam was evaluated subjects like math, chemistry, reading, general culture.

The system to select the people that aprove is with a score from one to one thousand and goes since 580 that is the minimum for the music program, until 790 for Mechatronics Engineering.

Then the university create and public a list with all the results since the maximum score until the minimum score and make four groups to select the careers. So the people in the first group have the opporunity to choose any career in the university. And the next groups can only choose the careers still available and the same with the other groups.

So now we know there are diferent status of difficulty to be a student of Universidad Nacional of Colombia. We think there are a really few oportunities because is one of the only two public universities in Bogotá and so much people that doesn't have the money to pay a private university.

Diego Pardo
Elisa Triviño