martes, 20 de septiembre de 2016


The plebiscite is a mechanisms of participation that give the Constitution so that the Colombians participating in politics decitions that are affect.
Only the president of the republic , with the signature the minigters bring together all the country in order to participe in the dicitions  executive In this case, it is the tool on which it decided to bet the National Government, and that later supported the Farc, in order that the Colombians legitimize the agreement that is achieved in the table of negotiation, to put endmpurpose to more than half a century of conflict.
The objetive is to consult the Colombians if they are or not in agreement with the peace agreements that have been agreed by The FARC

 I think that the Colombians should vote for  YES because the country neef to progress, the peace is something that all the contries needs for be a better place, also all the generations will be gratefull, because it's a war that begins since too much time ago.
Maby the agreemends doesnt are the best but it's something that the country needs!
ana Rodriguezz
Sofia Rodriguez 1101

1 comentario:

  1. Hello Girls!
    I think that you had a good idea with the text giving a summary for the topic that you wanted to write.
    I think that you started with a good attitude but then you got distract for your job and you did`t do a good work.
    There are many mistakes in the words and is has such a simple vocabulary and grammar. I know that you can do a better job ALWAYS if you want.
    The idea was so good! but girls if you have an idea but no discipline you can't do anything.


