martes, 20 de septiembre de 2016

Carlos Martinez 

mateo ramirez


Adriano, the fallen Emperor

Adriano, The emperor Caído. the Adriano full of luxuries, comforts and money is not him anymore, absolutely at all.  The Brazilian football player  was 34 years old and is going through a difficult moment, ' The Emperor ' went from wining eigthy thousand Euros a week to the oblivion and to the total decadence. He was considered one of the best Brazilian forwards in the first decade of the 21st century and one of the best players of the world by the Internazionale of Milan and the Selection of Brazil. Now, he is recognized for live in a favela of Brazil linked to scandals of drug, organized crime and drug trafficking. 

In we opinion the Adriano case is one of millions, because people that not have nothing at any moment is full of money and luxuries, and proper of they born places that are full of poverty, necessities, hungry and organize crime this combiend with the provrety factors genered one chaos in they acts, form of act and proper scarcity of education no know that do with the money, buy all inutil things contain drugs, sex etc...and long-term produce one decadence in all habits deports, personal and labour.

the reflexion is not down to the drugs...

1 comentario:

  1. Ok guys
    The first part (I don't know if you have the reference with Marcela but it ISN'T here) is copied from a page in Internet that is in Spanish. In the next time we talk about it.

    The second part is ok, but you have many mistakes using possesive pronouns and with some words.
    Try to do a better job the next time.

