martes, 20 de septiembre de 2016

Felipe Martinez Guarin
Alejandro Jose Romero Nieto

Layout of the metro in bogota.

Bogota has much problems about the public transport , as we already know bogota has "transmilenio"
which is a system of bus that needs fuel for function, this system can not meet the needs of the city.
the population of bogota is  8 millions. The areas with more population than others are: Kennedy, Suba and Ciudad Bolivar .
The massive transit system has shortcomings when transporting the people in these localities , since it has too many people and the system has no abilitu to transport them .

The people think that the solution for this problem is the construction of the  metro in bogota, 
This metro has been a very controvertial  topic since too many are years without  construction , many mayors were elected exclusively for that construction of metro, but notfulfilled , this metro to had too many proposals such as the construction of this underground on air .

 Enrique Peñalosa which is the mayor of bogota raise the construction of the metro raisinf , which will cos 13 billion of pesos , the president of the republic already destination them resources for the construction and the project will mean a great change urban for the city , the project is almost a made.
This metro will begin in Kennedy and will has 15 stations. 

1 comentario:

  1. Hi guys. Your subject is interesting and precise, but the structure has too many mistakes. Check out the eloquence of the sentences, it means the composition from the verbs and words together. Be careful with the tenses you use and the way you do it.
