martes, 26 de julio de 2016

Alejandro Jose Romero Nieto

Felipe Martinez Guarin



During the past four years negotations between  the colombian governament and the Farc revolutionary group moved quickly to the end by the first time since the beggining of the conflict.

The war with the Farc left more than half a million people displaced and thousands killed , also their fight removed thousands of peasants' possibility of progressing 

this conflict  has been devastated for the whole country, without doubt, it must also be said that the governament spents too much money to invest in weapons and equipament reaching the winning  , but all of this without any result so far

links external:

The colombians will have to vote to know if you want an out put negociated to the conflict , but this vote has ruleshave to vote 13 porcent of total voters and if wins if it will put an end to the conflict and apply the agreements  negotations.

more countries in the world have had wars. and this countries, have maden "plebiscito" for ends the war, this method is important and ingenios for the citizens, the citizens should decide if the war o the peace. 
We think that the "plebiscito" is a good idea for end the war, but for the interests the colombian citizens is better a "referendo"  because the peace has questions punctuals 

1 comentario:

  1. Hello guys!

    You made a good job. I understood your ideas and I think that you did a great purpose putting at the end your opinion. It`s good to put images with a sense of humour, and to make the reference of the articles that you use.
    You have to correct some mistakes with the vocabulary and the verbs but with some practice you can correct it.Try to put the links at the end and to use colours correctly.

    I know that you can correct this small mistakes.

    Keep working.

