The ''icfes'' test
It is an state exam that it's made every year for all students to (from) eleven grade to (in) Colombia in the second semester. Subjetcs (subjects) like math, science, physic, chemistry, socials and english (...?). It`s used for (to) get a score and get into a superior education, it might be a Technical Institute for training or (a) University.
The students are unconfortable because of the big pressure that the test generates because the kmow (they know) if the score is not the better (best) that (will) affect too much them (their) lives.
This test can give to the (ones with) better (the best) results a schoolarship benefited by public institutions, that allow the students for a few entries and give (them) the possibility to student (study) in a private university for (having) a better future.
Hello girls.
ResponderEliminarIt's a shame to say this time your text wasn't good at all. You made so many simple mistakes like writting of a lot of words wrong and the times. I know you girls can do better, so next time check out the text at least twice.