martes, 23 de febrero de 2016

Instituto Pedagògico Nacional                                                                                                23/02/2016
Emilio Fernandez
Nicolàs Gualdron


In the 20th century, the world lived  a lot of situations, one of them is the second world war, in that moment a thousand of people died because the war with germany and the rest of europe was terrible, a lot of people was affected, in the countries lived economic issues that finish with debts in that countries, like greece, his debt is bigger also in the past year they continue with that debt.

Another action was USA launch two atomic booms to Japan, exactly to hiroshima and nagasaki, that moment was terrible, because is the reazon of a lot people died in that places, hiroshima and nagasaki was devastated, the city was a ghost, actually that places have quimic problems, because the field was really affected.

Germany has a boss, his name was adolf hitler, he was a nazis leader, the nazis killed a milions of people, the biggest part of their people was jewish, Hitler hate that people, and he began this horrible and terrible war.

Resultado de imagen para segunda guerra mundial a color

In the society exists too much types of life, body, clothes and other things that affect people in the cities through these times, especially the teenagers. The make up, the clothing and personalities, this happens because with the pass of the years visions had been creating the perfect bodies for the consumption, and irrelevant things. This influenced people with wrong ideas of beauty and created problems with the security of themselves, and created frustration because they aren't like the model and don't wear with the clothes of the magazines and the girls don't make up.
The childhood are affecting because the kids don't want out of play with they friends and prefer stay in home seen videos of how make up and where they can buy the clothes.

Sofia Rodriguez
Ana Maria Rodriguez 

                            Means of transportation in Bogota

In Bogota city, the transport isn't the best, because a lot of people daily take a bus,  a trasmilenio,  a SITP and some people who dont have money or help the enviroment travel in bicicle. (by bycicle) 
The trasmilenio is the transport most congetionated (most congestionated transport) in Bogota, the administration isn't good, because the people who  manages (manage) this, don't take the better decisions. In Bosa the line last a lot of time, and the people are desagree. The taxis and Uber cars/service are really expensive, the buses don't give (offer) you a better service, the drivers don't respect the other drivers, and in "hora pico" the people get out of the jobs and the congestion increases, this cause (this causes) the traffic jam.
But the good point of this are the people who takes bike (use bike/bikes) ,they don't have to worry about traffic jam because don't are (there aren't) much people, but (and) you make exercise.
I think the transport have (has) to change, in (to) a better administration, organization, distributation (distribution) and security.
The security in the transport have (has) a lot of problems, the people make (commit) robery and peek (?), but not everytime the stations have a cop (the stations don't have a cop everytime). . . .

Congestion in "hora pico":
Robery in trasmilenio:
Bike line in bogota:

David Rodriguez Torres
Daniel Kassner 

instituto pedagógico nacional
Andres felipe sandoval
Juan felipe vargas


Democracy in bogota has been ripped off  because they have mislead to the citizens.

the democracy tease of the people because it talk to them about equiality, the equality is applied only when the people is judged the unique way to make democracy works is the participation of the citizens. According to Estanislao Zuleta, the democracy is splited  in three parts, one of them is the equiality. According to Marx the social classes should be eliminated.
The democracy doesn`t have moral because they don`t think in comfort of the city but in their own interest.
in the democracy the human rights doesn`t have importance because the citizens are considered slaves.

The misuse of the water in Bogota

Andres Felipe Wilches Torres
Miguel Angel Arboleda Salamanca

The misuse of the water is one of most important problems in the present, the water is very important in our daily life  we use it to cook, to take a bath and most of the products that we use were made with water.

The global warming is drying up the rivers, moors and lakes of the country, so we have to make something about the misuse of the water for example we have to make campaigns and expositions at least for all the people in the city to make them aware about this important problem.

Some examples for water wasters are: doing the dishes, washing the car, slipping through the (pool), playing with the water (ex: pistols of water, pools, etc.), making a lot of products that needs water to be make.
If we explain to the people how to don’t misuse the water and we explain it to the next generations, we could make that the water don’t dry.
We have to approach this resource, in a future it may dry up.

Finally we leave a video about the misuse of water, and a notice:



viernes, 5 de febrero de 2016

Sandrine Molina - Cesar Pineda

The City 

In the city who I live there are lots of problems, but in specific I absolutly hate that the people in this city don't apreciate the water, because we have so much and we don't realize that is nesesary for the human life. I'll like to propouse a campain about this topic and start to ake conciense in the people because we can save lots of lifes.
The city have being afected because of the drought  buecause the plants set  fire and theres no water to tur off the fire. 
Te acueducto could invent a product who recycle the water of the shower and put into the toilet, and may recycle the rain water to clean the houses, or ration the water.
in clonclution i hope tat te people take more care aboput the water buecause in the future we ain't going to have water and may the world war 3 could be because of the water, beacuse the seas are getting contaminated.

The Big problem :O

We live in Bogota city, the most important city in Colombia and also the biggest one in this country.
We think it's a great city to live in because the weather it's really cool, every day it's about 19º. In fact, this firts days of 2016 have been so hot like in 25º and also have been raining with hail. There are so much green zones and on Sundays some streets are close to use like a cycleway and everybody go to have fun and do sports. However it have some problems too, like the traffic and insecurity, the bad condition of the streets, the pollution, the differents between some neighborhoods and others; and the worst is the social strata.

The problem that we are worried about it's the environment damage, caused by the people and their garbage, the waste  of the water and the electricity and other residues. we will have to work all together to save the planet starting with Colombia and your own city.

Diego Pardo Monje
Elisa Triviño Ramirez
1101 - Sociales
Felipe Martinez
Alejandro Romero

Metro or better "Transmilenio" in Bogota D.C?

Since 1999 the city of Bogota was in problems (troubles), for creating a public transport (transportation) system. The studios (researches) of  the metro in Bogota were designed in 1940, but it is not completed yet. Why?
The history of Bogota has (have) been very conflicting because the particular interests have been 
superimposed over the intererests of (from) the city. The "mafias" in the transport of the city have destroyed or taken out other system of transport (transportation system) how (like) the "Trolebuses" that (which) were electric buses and did not produce emisions of CO2, This (Those/ These) buses were taken out for the (from) other companies  of the transport traditional how (the traditional transportation) buses that work with "diesel".
The transmilenio is a system of buses with own station but this (these) buses even thoug (still) work with "diesel" and are very pollutants (polluting). The last Major "Gustavo Petro" implemented a system of electric buses in trasmilenio, but how (as) Bogota is a city with 8,000,000 citizens, It need other systems and most efficient means of transport how (transportation like) the metro that is a system of trains electrics (electric trains) did not (which don't) produce emesions (emisions) of CO2.


Angie Daniela Mora 
Alejandra Montaña 

Consumption is the acumulation and purchase of non essential good and services, the mass consumption society directly affects natural resources and ecological balance,
idealizes its effects and consequences with people (?), satisfaction and even people's happiness

Consumption began in the twentieth century as a result of capitalism, at the emergence of marketing, consumption started fast and has (have) been increasing until really huge levels, cnsumeris is hasmfol (?) to the ecological balance in full and that many of the problems are related to the explotation of natural resourses that are made worwide (around the world) and the production process generate pollution.  Lack of knowledge to (from the) people hot knowing (?) their essential needs and are consumed at present some necessary products for living. (?)
Astrid Yurany Dìaz Vargas
Cristhian Camilo Rodriguez Martinez

The massive consumption in Bogotà

The massive consumption is moving in the middle of a complex stage, as while the economy is slowing, the price of the dollar goes up pressing the price and the expectations in the processes of innovation are very limited. 
In the last year gave a singular fact: while the economy of the country grew above 4% annual, the price of products of massive consuption analysed by the consulting Nielsen-dresser, cleanliness of the home, foods and drunk- they showed a process of slowing.
During the last months the bogotan people consume more than rest of the contry, despite inflation and strong changes in the economy, as the unstable behavior of the dollar.  

In this video you can see more of consumption:


  • Mateo Ramirez Becerra
  • Carlos Martinez Benitez 
  • 1101

Gustavo Petro is an economist, colombian politician and ex-major of Bogota, the capital of Colombia. It is a member of the senator of the Republic of Colombia. In the paperwork of Petro in the mayoral service of Bogota himself come early, the prohibition of firearms, who reduced the kills in the capital Bogota.

He created the Sistem Integrated Of Transport (SITP), himself propose as politics of government preserve the wetlands of Bogota city and made an plan for the preservation of water for the warming global in Bogota, reduced the use the water in Bogota.

He assist various intervertions in the Bronx street with the police national for the confiscation of arms and ilegal drugs