viernes, 5 de febrero de 2016

Astrid Yurany Dìaz Vargas
Cristhian Camilo Rodriguez Martinez

The massive consumption in Bogotà

The massive consumption is moving in the middle of a complex stage, as while the economy is slowing, the price of the dollar goes up pressing the price and the expectations in the processes of innovation are very limited. 
In the last year gave a singular fact: while the economy of the country grew above 4% annual, the price of products of massive consuption analysed by the consulting Nielsen-dresser, cleanliness of the home, foods and drunk- they showed a process of slowing.
During the last months the bogotan people consume more than rest of the contry, despite inflation and strong changes in the economy, as the unstable behavior of the dollar.  

In this video you can see more of consumption:

1 comentario:

  1. -You need to remember that you can't use accent marks in english language.
    -You should extend your text and the ideas on it, because sometimes the diferent paragraphs turns in to something with out sence.
    -In the text you only give some information about products and things like that, but you dond't expose the main problem or the solution of this.
    -You don't make a big sacrifice in the design of the text.
    -You need to increase your lexical a lot.
    -Your text wasn't long enough, you only write 111 words when you have to write a text of 250 words.
    -Congratulations for a nice try and because you put a link of a video.
